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House Dragon
- Part 1 -

| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

The prologue for House Dragon can be found on the Official Site for the Sims.  It was honorably mentioned in the Spooky Contest around Halloween. Here's the link: The Dragon Family by Eisoj5

However, if you don't want to spend all that time trying to read through it, here's a brief synopsis.

Malcolm was the youngest brother in House Dragon.  He attempted to kill all of his family members to gain all of their magical powers.  Lydia was able to stop him, but in doing so, completely destroyed him.  A year later, around the time of All Hallow's Eve, Lydia's childhood friend Ian paid her a visit.  She felt more than their friendship rekindling.  On Halloween, Lydia was visited by several malevolent spirits, the last of which was her dead brother, Malcolm.  She was effectively held hostage in her own home until such time that she could be killed.  Ian was also captured.  However, Lydia's mother, in spirit form, informed her that Ian was being manipulated by Malcolm and that in order for both of them to survive, Lydia had to kill Malcolm again.  In her final confrontation with Malcolm, she was able to kill him using magic powers she was not aware she possessed. 



On to Simulnation Chapter 1, House Dragon : | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

 House Dragon | House Unicorn | House Phoenix | House Griffin |
House Pegasus | House ChimeraThe Golden Angel |

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